MW Universal Grand Lodge, AFAM & Star of Hope Grand Chapter, OES - State of Louisiana
Grand Worthy Matron
Margaret Bowie-Thompson
Sister Margaret Bowie-Thompson is a native of Wisner, LA, born to the union of Richard Bowie, Sr. and Julia Bouie. She is married to Roy L. Thompson, Sr. and mother of three children. Sister Bowie-Thompson is also a member of Mount Zion Baptist Church in Monroe, LA.
The Grand Worthy Matron attended Grambling State University, where she majored in Elementary Education; however, due to family illness, was not able to graduate and subsequently, graduated from Delta Community College, with a degree in Business Administration. Career-wise, was employed and retired from Ouachita Parish Police Jury Section 8 Housing Authority.
She currently serves as Supreme Grand Recorder for Affiliated Supreme Grand Chapter Order of Eastern Star and Grand Worthy Matron for Star of Hope Grand Chapter O.E.S. Louisiana
She previously served as Past Grand Associate Matron for Star of Hope Grand Chapter O.E.S. Louisiana; Past Grand Secretary for Star Hope Grand Chapter O.E.S. Louisiana; Past Worthy Matron for subordinate chapters: Lady Esther Chapter#144, Union Star Chapter #124, and Gynes Chapter #66.
She has served and attained Past Matron status in the subordinate courts of Heroines of Jericho, Lady Knights, Daughters of Sphinx, and the Temple of Royal House, respectively.
Sister Bowie-Thompson has received numerous certificates, awards, and recognitions for various achievements and community service efforts throughout her active tenure with the organization. My love for travel, people, and service to others makes it both an honor and a privilege to serve as the Grand Worthy Matron for the State of Louisiana.
"To God be the Glory for things that he has done."
Sister Margaret Bowie-Thompson, Grand Worthy Matron